I moved you over

I moved you over

Hi! This is me, Etienne, the author of CTO Excellence in 100 Days. Yes, you subscribed to my newsletter!

I moved my writing shenanigans to my new site etienneX (yes this site). It gives me more freedom to share my thoughts with you so I hope you're still interested in hearing from me.

Here Matt van Itallie and I discuss Pragmatism and what the opposite of that looks like from the CTO Podcast.

After a bit of a break, I fired up my podcast again. It's called CTO Podcast and I've had some really great conversation with wonderful CTOs and others.

My most recent chats were with:

  1. Kevin Goldsmith, CTO at DistroKid (listen here)
  2. Krijn van der Raadt, CTO Coach (listen here)
  3. Matt van Itallie, Founder at SEMA Software

I hope you'll stick with me and my things.
